Negotiating Skills
Before Funding: $817.50 (with GST)
Before Funding: $817.50 (with GST)
As work projects become increasingly complex and involve multiple parties, it is imperative that supporting staff be equipped with the knowledge of the project planning process so as to better appreciate the importance of this process and its impact on the implementation phase.
A comprehensive performance management process is crucial to an organization’s ability to manage and develop its human resources effectively. All managers must understand the key concepts of setting effective targets as well as the organization’s system of managing and recognizing performance in the talents they manage.
Strategic partnerships enable people to focus on what they do best and tap on the resources of others to do the rest. For this partnership to work, trust and confidence must be built. Leaders must identify ways to collaborate and cooperate across boundaries, and recognize barriers that hinder stakeholder relationships enhancement.
Recruiting the right candidate is vital for any organization to ensure a match in competencies and in turn increase staff retention. As such, selection process is important to ensure that recruitment is done right at the onset.
Negotiation can be daunting and not necessary the easiest skill acquired. But it is certainly an essential skill to possess as long as you are dealing with vendors or clients or even inter-departmental.