Influencing is a much required skill across all echelons of any organization. At one point or another, we have to get someone to think or do things differently.
Influencing is a much required skill across all echelons of any organization. At one point or another, we have to get someone to think or do things differently.
Every time a meeting is organized, we are utilizing resources. Unproductive meetings can lead to a waste of time and valuable resources. In order to maximize the best outcome for each meeting or training session, or discussion, a dynamic facilitator is required to manage the group dynamics.
Increasingly, there is the need for an organization to do the right things right and even differently to improve work processes. As such, it is more critical now for people to possess Critical and Creative Thinking skills to enhance the quality and quantity of alternatives generated during failure eradication, decision-making, planning processes and new ideation.
Accurate analysis of customer needs and business opportunities evaluation are often viewed as important considerations for any organizations to develop winning products and services or expends any resources.
For any organizations to successfully achieve the end goals of service excellence, they must recognize that one of the key success factors lies in being able to operationalize the service operations plan effectively.