

S2E04: An Insightful Leadership Journey

S2E04: An Insightful Leadership Journey

“What remains unchanged for me throughout my leadership experiences is that people are people, wherever they work, whatever is the content of their work, and connecting with them in the best way possible is always important for a leader.” These are the capturing words of Mr. Larry Choi, a highly experienced and inspiring leader, who has journeyed different culture and various sectors, shares his leadership stories with us.
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S2E03: Transiting to Net Zero by 2050

S2E03: Transiting to Net Zero by 2050

Scientists have concluded that the world needs to reach net zero emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change. For the world to reach net zero emissions, a wide range of trends and factors need to be considered, and transformational changes need to be anticipated during this transition.
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S2E01: Building Innovation Culture

S2E01: Building Innovation Culture

Building an innovation culture requires more than just change. It requires new mindsets, right environments to ideate, skills, processes and customer insights to create new possibilities for innovation to take place. It is a transformation journey that must be done together!
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EP20: Employee Engagement and Commitment

EP20: Employee Engagement and Commitment

Whether you are an employee or employee, the bottom line – “people don’t care how you know until they know how much you care." Employee and employer engagement really has to be intentional, and a two-way process; more so in these turbulent times where people become more sensitive to their need for security. Any threat of losing it may cause a reaction.
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S2E04: An Insightful Leadership Journey

S2E04: An Insightful Leadership Journey

“What remains unchanged for me throughout my leadership experiences is that people are people, wherever they work, whatever is the content of their work, and connecting with them in the best way possible is always important for a leader.” These are the capturing words of Mr. Larry Choi, a highly experienced and inspiring leader, who has journeyed different culture and various sectors, shares his leadership stories with us.
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S2E03: Transiting to Net Zero by 2050

S2E03: Transiting to Net Zero by 2050

Scientists have concluded that the world needs to reach net zero emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change. For the world to reach net zero emissions, a wide range of trends and factors need to be considered, and transformational changes need to be anticipated during this transition.
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