Terms & Conditions (Funded)

Terms & Conditions (Funded)

All registrations are governed by the following terms and conditions.

By submitting your registration to Capelle Consulting Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Capelle”), you agree that you have read, understood, agreed, and accepted all the terms and conditions stipulated herein.

1. Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

Capelle is a training provider accredited by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to provide training and assessment for funded programs. For the processing of Training Grant (TG), Absentee Payroll (AP), Online Evaluation Survey (TRAQOM), e-cert application etc, personal information is collected by Capelle during registration on behalf of SSG.

By filling up and submitting our workshop registration form, you agree for Capelle to collect, use and disclose the personal data provided to
us voluntarily by you directly or via your organization who has been duly authorized to disclose your personal data to us for the
performance of obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of the goods/ services requested by you or your

Our full privacy policy can be accessed at: https://stg1.capelleconsulting.com/privacy-policy/

2. Registration & Admission

  1. Registration must be submitted to Capelle at least 14 days prior to Workshop Start Date.
  2. Admission to Workshop is on a first come, first served basis.
  3. Registrants are required to produce their highest attained qualification to support their registration.
  4. Capelle reserves the right to refuse registrants who do not meet the admission criteria for the Workshop.
  5. Capelle reserves the right to change the workshop dates.

3. Workshop Confirmation

A confirmation email on the commencement of the Workshop will be sent to registrants 8 days before the Workshop Start Date.

4. Workshop Cancellation

  1. Capelle reserves the right to cancel the Workshop under the following circumstances:
    1. Insufficient sign-ups.
    2. Other unforeseen circumstances that prevent the running of the Workshop.

5. Registration Withdrawal and No-show

  1. Registrants can request to withdraw from a registered workshop or to be transferred to another by submitting a request to the public-run administrator (PRA) via email ([email protected]).
  2. A penalty of $80 (before GST) will be imposed:
    1. if withdrawal or request to be transferred to another workshop is received within 3 days of the workshop start date
    2. for failure to turn up on any day of the workshop, unless:
      • Registrant provides a replacement registrant.
      • Suitable documentary proof is provided via email to support the absence
    3. Participants will be barred from future workshops if found to be non-compliant to any of the above.

6. Course Fees and Nett Fees

  1. Course Fees:
    1. are subject to change.
    2. are excluding prevailing GST unless otherwise stated.
  2. Nett Fees
    1. Nett FeeCourse FeeGST – TG (see clause 7)
    2. Nett Fee is payable upon workshop confirmation
    3. Capelle accepts payment through any of the following:
      • PayNow to Capelle UEN
      • Inter-bank transfer to Capelle Bank Account
  3. Nett Fee must be fully paid before day 1 of the workshop unless a credit term has been established.

7. Training Grant (TG)

  1. TG will be subject to availability and according to the structure of funding by SSG at the time of course commencement.
  2. The sponsoring party undertakes to reimburse Capelle the full course fees if the participant is not eligible for TG as determined by SSG.

8. Training Grant (TG) Application

TG application will be processed by Capelle via Training Partners Gateway (TPG) based on the information provided and verified by the registrant during registration.

9. Absentee Payroll (AP)

  1. Nett fees stated do not include AP.
  2. Enterprises will be notified to submit AP Declaration in Enterprise Portal for Jobs & Skills (EPJS) for eligible trainee(s) after TP has enrolled trainee(s) in TPG on behalf of Enterprises.
  3. Enterprises have 90 days from the Course End Date to submit AP Declaration for trainees.
  4. Enterprises are to ensure their PayNow Account is updated in the EPJS for Absentee Payroll disbursement.

10. Eligibility for TG and AP


  • be Singapore Citizens (SCs) or Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs)
  • attain minimum attendance
    • 100% attendance for SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace
    • 75% for all other programmes
  • have sat for and passed all examinations/assessments where applicable
  • fulfill other SSG Scheme eligibility conditions. These may be amended, revised, modified, or varied at any time at SSG’s discretion.
  • not have received funding from other bodies for the same course
  • NRIC verification during the workshop will be required for the disbursement of TG & AP.

b. Enterprises sponsoring trainees

  • it is registered or incorporated in Singapore.
  • the employee on the approved course is an SC or an SPR.
  • the trainee is employed by the applicant company, according to the Employment Act, except for sole proprietors, partners, working directors, commission-based agents, and members of co-operatives.
  • the trainee has a bona fide employment contract (full-time or permanent part-time employee) with the company. The trainee must be on the applicant company’s payroll, receive CPF contribution from the company and the company’s welfare benefits.
  • the trainee completes the full course while employed by the applicant’s company.
  • the trainee is fully sponsored by the applicant company for the cost of training.
  • the funded courses are relevant to the trainee’s current job and in line with the business needs of the applicant company.

11. Certification & Outcomes Tracking

  1. Assessments will be conducted to determine the trainee’s attainment of the necessary competencies set out in the Workshop.
  2. Trainees must complete ALL assessments and be assessed as “Competent” in order to obtain the SOA.
  3. A Statement of Attainment (SOA) in the form of an E-Cert will be awarded to the Trainee by SSG upon meeting all Workshop requirements.
  4. Trainees may be contacted 3-6 months after completion of the Workshop to participate in a short follow-up survey. Feedback will be used to improve learning effectiveness.

12. Appeal and Re-Assessment

  1. Should the participant wish to make an appeal about the assessment result, the participant must submit the Appeal & Re-assessment Form to Capelle and provide reasons for the appeal within 7 working days after the Workshop End Date.
  2. Capelle will review the appeal and make a decision to approve the re-assessment or otherwise.
  3. In the event of a re-assessment, a fee of $100 plus prevailing GST will be payable upon application.

13. General Code of Conduct

Trainees are expected to be considerate and observe appropriate conduct during the Workshop. Capelle reserves the right to suspend trainees from Capelle’s workshops due to misconduct.

14. Photography & Videography

Photo-taking and video recording will be administered by Capelle during the workshop for audit and marketing purposes. By participating in this workshop, you are agreeing to be included in them.

15. Non-Disclosure and Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Trainees acknowledge and agree that Capelle is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights, title, and interest, including but not limited to trademarks, copyrights, trade names, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights, in the information and materials provided in the course of the provision of the services.
  2. Trainees may not copy, modify, adapt, reproduce, translate, decompile, disassemble, sublicense or assign any aspect of the information provided. They agree that they will not remove or obscure any copyright or other notices or legends contained in any of the information provided by Capelle.
  3. The information in the materials of Capelle is provided to trainees solely for their own use. All forms of sub-licensing, reselling, republication or other forms of distribution, including internet posting, electronic mailing, faxing, archiving in a public database, redistributing via a computer network, or in a printed form, to third parties of any of the information provided by Capelle are strictly prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained from Capelle.
  4. It is acknowledged and agreed that monetary damages would not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this agreement and Capelle shall be entitled to specific performance and injunctive relief as remedies for any such breach (in addition to any other remedies that Capelle may have).
  5. In addition to and without prejudice to paragraph 4, the participant undertakes and agrees to indemnify and hold Capelle harmless against all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, proceedings, fees of legal advisers (on an indemnity basis), and fees of other professionals incurred by the participant arising from a breach or neglect or alleged breach or neglect of the agreement herein.
  6. The participant agrees that this undertaking shall survive and continue to apply without any limit in time and shall remain in full force and effect until a formal release is issued in Capelle’s favor.

16. Beyond Reasonable Control

Capelle shall not be deemed to be in breach of these Terms of Engagement by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of Capelle’s obligations in relation to the services if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond Capelle’s reasonable control. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following shall be regarded as causes beyond Capelle’s reasonable control:

  1. TG will be subject to availability and according to the structure of funding by SSG at the time of course commencement.
  2. The sponsoring party undertakes to reimburse Capelle the full course fees if the participant is not eligible for TG as determined by SSG.
  3. act of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident;
  4. war or threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance or requisition;
  5. acts, restrictions, regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions, or measures of any kind on the part of any governmental, parliamentary or local authority;
  6. strikes, lock-outs, or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving employees of Capelle or of a third party); or
    power failure or breakdown in equipment

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