by Naomi Quek | 20 Jan 23 | Church Equip Resources, Events
How can pastors and leaders rethink the ways we do church? How might we relearn the art of friendship? We explored these issues in a facilitated dialogue with Senior Pastor Lawrence Chua and Dr. Tan Soo-Inn.
by Christy Yuanita | 2 Jul 22 | Church Equip Resources, Events
A panel of speakers from ages 30 to over 60 spoke on a wide range of issues, like the pain points of inter-generational dialogue and how to build a culture of honouring the generations.
by Christy Yuanita | 1 Jul 22 | Church Equip Resources, Events
Held in February 2022, this interactive webinar by Capelle learning consultants Kok Min Chuen and Suan Tan discussed how church staff can improve their engagement with one another through more effective communication.