by Naomi Quek | 20 Jan 23 | Church Equip Resources, Events
How can pastors and leaders rethink the ways we do church? How might we relearn the art of friendship? We explored these issues in a facilitated dialogue with Senior Pastor Lawrence Chua and Dr. Tan Soo-Inn.
by Naomi Quek | 7 Nov 22 | Church Equip Resources, eNewsletter
The second issue of Church Equip’s e-Newsletter
by Christy Yuanita | 17 Aug 22 | Church Equip Resources, eNewsletter
The first issue of Church Equip’s e-Newsletter
by Christy Yuanita | 16 Aug 22 | Church Equip Resources, Workshops
This 2.5-hour workshop in April 2022 gave participants from the non-profit and church sector an opportunity to learn about communication modes and active listening.
by Christy Yuanita | 15 Aug 22 | Church Equip Resources, Workshops
Our learning consultant facilitated an interactive workshop for Living Sanctuary Brethren Church during a ministry retreat in May 2022.
by Christy Yuanita | 2 Jul 22 | Church Equip Resources, Events
A panel of speakers from ages 30 to over 60 spoke on a wide range of issues, like the pain points of inter-generational dialogue and how to build a culture of honouring the generations.