Build a Customer-Focused Organisation

Build a Customer-Focused Organisation

Organisations who focus on their customers, not only need to ensure a customer-centric culture, they must also ensure that they build a customer-centric climate in the organisation. In other words, what they envision, they must also put into actions. For this to be successful, the top management must lead the way starting with the employees, which are the internal customers. When the employees feel valued as a customer, this attitude will be exemplified and extended to the external customers. 

This workshop aims to examine ways to design a customer-focused strategy, and promote a customer excellence culture in an organisation. 

At the End of the Workshop, You’ll Learn to:

  • Clarify what is a customer-focused strategy that will help to achieve the organisation’s service vision and values
  • Develop organisational capability and actions to build a culture that will sustain the organisation’s service vision and values
  • Provide exemplary leadership in alignment to the organisation’s service vision and values

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