Bounce Back Faster with Problem Solving

Bounce Back Faster with Problem Solving

In today’s fast-moving landscape, businesses face different problems and challenges of diverse magnitudes every day. It is necessary for every employee to possess problem solving skills in order to quickly understand the problems and find suitable solutions. 

This workshop provides practical handles to identify and solve problems at the workplace. It begins with providing the right mindset towards dealing with problems in this uncertain and challenging landscape.

As a participant, you will learn a 4-step problem solving process: (1) identifying problems; (2) gathering information; (3) exploring solutions; and (4) implementing solutions.

You are encouraged to bring along a real problem faced at work so that you can practice applying the 4-steps during the workshop. The workshop will end with action planning where you would get to apply your learnings to a work situation. 

At the End of the Workshop You’ll Learn to:

  • Recognise symptoms leading to potential problem(s) at the workplace
  • Identify deviation from organisation’s SOP based on symptoms identified
  • Realise the impact of a problem on self and others at the workplace
  • Identify possible root cause(s) of the problems
  • Generate and select ideas to solve a problem using creative and logical thinking
  • Evaluate selected ideas for possible solutions to a problem using pertinent criteria
  • Develop an action plan to implement the selected solution(s) and evaluate its effectiveness

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