Manage Cross Functional and Culturally Diverse Teams

Manage Cross Functional and Culturally Diverse Teams
If you lead cross functional teams, and with some team members that are culturally different, you will understand the challenges in aligning them towards achieving specific goals. It would be even more challenging if you have members who may not directly report to you, based in a different location, and from a different culture. The barriers in them being able to fully cooperate and comply to a common goal, and meeting the project deadlines are real.
In this workshop, we aim to help learners enhance their skills in managing workplace diversity through understanding of different functions and diversity issues. Thereafter, creating a positive work culture to leverage on diverse experiences to maximise efficiency and synergy towards a common goal, and employing effective strategies in communication and conflict resolutions.
At the End of the Workshop, You’ll Learn to:
- Assess diversity issues with implications on a work team that works towards common goals and objectives
- Align diverse work teams towards common goals and objectives
- Examine the background differences of members of a diverse work team, and the implications on that maximise team synergy and effectiveness
- Establish a positive work culture in a diverse work team
- Moderate diverse perspectives and opinions across team members from different disciplines and cultures
- Build a system to facilitate communication among diverse team members
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